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Site happenings, or lack thereof


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Offline Thorn

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Site happenings, or lack thereof
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:28:46 pm »
I thought about front-paging this, but decided that guests probably don't care about anything here.

There's plenty of things that need to be done on the site that just keep getting put off, and there's some things that I want to see happen even if they aren't pressing matters for the sake of keeping things running smoothly. Opinions on the latter type would be appreciated.

Needs to be Done
  • Sonic Triple Trouble rankings need to be cleaned up: We've known for ages now that some people used the PAL settings on their emulators to take advantage of the slower timer, an effect that happens with Sonic Master System games. The issue here is that Sonic Triple Trouble doesn't have a Master System version, and Game Gears worldwide all play the game at the same speed. SonicAD told me before to just go ahead and wipe suspected illegal stats, but I'm going to check with him one more time before the wipe. Actually, he'll probably just see this message and then get back to me... same difference. Time and Score stats are obviously affected, and while Rings are questionable, the way stats get banned means that every Time and Score stat would have to be banned individually instead of a game-wide ban... so yeah, if you're suspected, your entire game's stats will be removed. To reinstate stats you've achieved that were legit, use the Time Machine at the top of the sidebar to return to January 17th, write down the legit stats, and resubmit them in the present. If you believe your stats were banned in error, please contact a site admin, as we can easily restore all of them.
    Update: At the very least, all of the known cases are checked on and handled accordingly. Any cases remaining (if any) are low enough on the charts to beat without this exploit... consider it a challenge?
  • Sonic '06 stats need to be re-organized: This is low-priority due to general dislike of the game causing very little competition, but it's an issue nevertheless. Individual boss charts need to be moved to the Bosses division, and Boss Attack, Very Hard, and Team Attack Amigo charts need to be moved to a separate game. This can only be done by GerbilSoft, and he has other things to be worrying about.
  • Potential new charts need to be made before they lose relevance: So, are we making charts for the Mario & Sonic series or not?
    Update: Gerbil's been working on the new score types necessary for the Wii version of the Winter Olympics.
    Update: Gerbil and I put up All-Stars Racing charts for all versions except DS and mobile.
  • Links on the Submissions page to topics explaining why certain charts aren't tracked should be added: This was suggested long ago but never implemented. It's another thing that falls to GerbilSoft, so other issues should be dealt with first.
  • TUSC and TLC need to be taken down: TUSC suffers from the ever-changing nature of fangames, the inability to advertise its existence where it matters (forums for fangames tend to ban you for site advertising), charts for games that are just plain stupid, and a general lack of interest in fangames and hacks by the whole of TSC. TLC hasn't done anything since August 2009. In lieu of it, a new tournament format needs to be implemented when tournaments become popular again.
  • Move the maps saved in Rolken's directory to the main site: There are maps on TSC that aren't in the public's view for reasons unknown. Unless they're hidden for a reason, which I very much doubt, they need to be linked to from the Maps page.
    (at Rolken a.k.a. Fen)
    <@Thorn> speaking of TSC (because we never do)
    <@Thorn> is there any particular reason that some of the maps in your directory on the site aren't linked to from the maps section?
    <%Fen> because nobody's linked them
    <%Fen> go to town :v
    <%Fen> actually a few days to a week ago I was looking for them and a bit surprised that they weren't up there
    Permission granted.

If there's anything crucial that I'm forgetting, please tell me and I'll add it in.

Things I'd Like To Do (anything I do admin-wise has to go through SonicAD first, and won't be done if people reject it in replies to this post)
  • Change the Rules Committee from IRC-based to forum-based: The Rules Committee meetings are few and far between because to have a worthwhile meeting, there needs to be several issues on the table. Moving this from IRC to a private board would allow for issues to be addressed as they come up, since we wouldn't have to have everybody on the committee present at the same time. Permission to the board should be assigned as a member group, using individual permission on a case-by-case basis when necessary (e.g. the Rules Committee is at a loss over a rule for a game, so the game's champion gets temporary permission to view the board).
    Update: Done. Due to making "Rules Committee" a primary member group instead of a hidden permission, this did knock DsS and Spinny out of Prominent Members, but since Prominent Members is also on the list of things that need to be revamped, this will be fixed.
  • Revamp the Prominent Members page : Half of them aren't really that prominent anymore, due to the page simply displaying the bio of everybody in the "If I Had a (Ban)Hammer" member group. This could be solved by making another group with the same permissions and moving all IIHA(B)H users that aren't prominent users to the second group. The move isn't meant as an offense to anybody on the list (you wouldn't lose any forum permissions); it's meant to be more reflective of who's active on the site.
  • Open a Board Games board: No, not like Monopoly, although I guess that could fit here as well. This is an idea I'd thought about for a while, but it would either make for fun times or a complete disaster, so I haven't done anything about it. Forum games that currently reside in Wikkity! or that have been deleted such as Pick Up the Phone Booth, Horrible Misfortune, RPG's Murdering Topic, and genus-inspired Random Questions aren't necessarily "bad", but most forums wouldn't allow them to be mixed in with other topics. Moving forum games to their own subforum (better known as a board... get it?) would keep them contained and make them fun but not disruptive.
    Update: As soon as I said that it needn't be done due to lack on interest, SonicAD said to do it anyway, so it's done.
  • Add the Process New Suspensions script to the sidebar for admins: The first time I suspended a stat, I was chastised for not running this script. Frankly, I was unaware of its existence. It turns out that, just like how clicking Submissions and clicking Statistics does the same thing, admins can click Admin to see all of the admin commands. Process New Suspensions is the only command available by clicking Admin that isn't available on the sidebar (besides another broken command). This is petty stuff, I know, but eh.

...shoot, I had other things on my mind, but forgot them. The first list is more important than my opinions, anyway.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 12:00:17 pm by Thorn »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline F-Man

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 07:06:10 pm »
  • Potential new charts need to be made before they lose relevance: So, are we making charts for the Mario & Sonic series or not?
So why the hell aren't there any yet?

There's something everyone here needs to understand. Yeah, it's 2010 and I've decided you guys need to wake up, no bullshitting around anymore. EVERY elligible Sonic game should be on here. It doesn't matter how good or popular they are, it doesn't matter if you think the games list is too big (just rearrange it if you like), it doesn't matter if the champion for Sonic Jam for the is its one and only player. The internet allows for archival, and I doubt a single game adds a tremendous charge to the server. So get to it.

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 07:11:48 pm »
  • Sonic '06 stats need to be re-organized: This is low-priority due to general dislike of the game causing very little competition, but it's an issue nevertheless. Individual boss charts need to be moved to the Bosses division, and Boss Attack, Very Hard, and Team Attack Amigo charts need to be moved to a separate game. This can only be done by GerbilSoft, and he has other things to be worrying about.

Are town missions staying under "Times" or are they going to be moved to another division like Extra?

Offline Thorn

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 07:56:25 pm »
^ Frankly, that's up to you guys. Most of the missions that get put under extra are altered forms of the main levels. The missions in Sonic '06 take place in the Adventure Fields instead... a subtle difference, but a difference nevertheless.
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 05:42:32 am »
I made a topic about it but apparently people didn't notice/forgot about it. It's about Sonic Unleashed 360/PS3's score charts, as the Day Total and the Total Total aren't the same. That's because if you haven't submitted a stat since the night charts were removed, the Total Total also adds the removed night charts, thus displaying a different score, even though they are both practically the same.

Oh, and Paragod, Brian and me for prominent members! >:O SA2 ftw

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- Paragod is the best Sonic/Shadow SA2:B player ever.

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 11:34:51 pm »

That stuff also needs to be discussed.

And in regards to PoT's post; - This chart needs to be recalculated. - This chart needs to be obsoleted/removed.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 11:47:59 pm by Luxray »
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2010, 10:44:41 am »
Why do you want the Su360 total total to stay but the Day total to be removed? Why not keep the Day total?

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2010, 11:48:07 am »
Well, it doesn't really matter which one stays as long as in the end there is only one that displays the right amount of points.

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- Paragod is the best Sonic/Shadow SA2:B player ever.

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2010, 08:09:07 am »
So i am for the "Board Games" board since i like seeing lots of win posts (even if its at my expense). Plus it'll show what creativity the members have. Anyone else want to add their comments?

Another thing i think has to be done, is to obtain screenshots each of the games' title screens for Icon View. Current ones remaining to be done are:

- Shadow
- Secret Rings
- Black Knight
- Unleashed
- Riders
- Zero Gravity
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 04:15:19 am by Luxray »
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2010, 08:23:02 pm »
do tsc scd teamwork stuff....................

Offline Thorn

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2010, 08:28:08 pm »
^ Yeah... um... hm. Er... ah... uh...

...what's our incentive? :P The last time an SCDer came over here, he uncovered all of our plans against SCD, if memory serves. I don't think your members will be very willing to team up with a site that they believe is out to take them down.
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline Rolken

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2010, 08:32:22 pm »
"They believe"!? I thought we WERE out to take them down.
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What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2010, 08:43:32 pm »
SDM was kind of ridiculous... I still saw no proof of "plots against SCD!" even after all of that drama LOL. I believe I wasn't SCD staff of any kind at that time, though. Or something. At any rate, no one at SCD thinks that TSC is trying to take us down. We kinda did a good enough job of that ourselves during gen7 and 8.

incentive... umm.... fun 4 evrywun? more members joining both TSC and SCD?

Offline Thorn

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2010, 08:49:47 pm »
^ If you wanted some sort of niceties between the sites, I'd say to start on your end. While SCD was once bustling well beyond the amount of traffic TSC had, the tables have turned and SCD is now the one with less activity, even if the front page is swankier. It would be much easier to get a few people looking for activity to turn to a livelier site than it is to take the whole of an established community and get it to look at a dead site.

I will say that I'd have no problem with it... the lack of activity made it easy to gauge the type of people that are posting there, and the live members don't seem to be argumentative or downright stupid, so I don't think TSC would hate these people. But this isn't my site, it's SonicAD's and Gerbil's; I just work here.~
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2010, 08:53:19 pm »
^ What do you actually do admin-worthy around here?
* Luxray bricked
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

Offline Thorn

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2010, 09:02:03 pm »
^ Iono, I've set up the rules committee, made progress on banning false stats in Triple Trouble which have sat around for ages (eredani, I need *something* for proof, soon...) that I plan to be rid of by next Saturday, and I've been hacking classic Sonic enough to know their quirks inside and out. I've also drawn up some charts, the difference being that I can actually fight to have them implemented as opposed to most members making them and then letting them rot.

Everything else from an admin standpoint has to go through Gerbil or SonicAD anyway, or at least can only be done with permission from the two of them, so that's what's unique that I've done. Were you looking for something more?
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2010, 09:04:46 pm »

I retract my statement.
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2010, 06:44:35 am »
Okay I can't stand no-one talking here so I am double posting. This is one thing that should be sorted out and ready to be fixed.

Needs to be Done
  • Sonic '06 stats need to be re-organized: This is low-priority due to general dislike of the game causing very little competition, but it's an issue nevertheless. Individual boss charts need to be moved to the Bosses division, and Boss Attack, Very Hard, and Team Attack Amigo charts need to be moved to a separate game. This can only be done by GerbilSoft, and he has other things to be worrying about.

So the obvious one is that there should be a Bosses category (c6) for this game. Here are the following stats that obviously can be put in there.
  • Egg-Cerberus - Sonic (class id: 2965)
  • Egg Cerberus - Shadow (class id: 2970)
  • Egg-Genesis - Sonic (class id: 2966)
  • Egg Genesis - Silver (class id: 2975)
  • Egg-Wyvern - Sonic (class id: 2967)
  • Silver the Hedgehog - Sonic (class id: 2968)
  • Silver the Hedgehog - Shadow (class id: 2971)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog - Silver (class id: 2976)
  • Shadow the Hedgehog - Silver (class id: 2977)
  • Iblis Phase 1 - Silver (class id: 2978)
  • Iblis Phase 2 - Sonic (class id: 2969)
  • Iblis Phase 2 - Shadow (class id: 2972)
  • Iblis Phase 3 - Silver (class id: 2979)
  • Mephiles Phase 1 - Shadow (class id: 2973)
  • Mephiles Phase 2 - Shadow (class id: 2974)
  • Solaris - Extra (class id: 2980)
  • Boss Attack - Sonic (class id: 5026)
  • Boss Attack - Shadow (class id: 5027)
  • Boss Attack - Silver (class id: 5028)

I think putting these in their own category is a no brainer. Total (Total), Total (Sonic), Total (Shadow) and Total (Silver) should also be created/added if there is to be a seperate category for these times. However i'm not entirely sure what to do with The Town Missions (Times/Scores/Rings) and The rest of the Boss stats (Rings/Scores). Town Mission times could be put into their own "Extra" category, and still leaving Rings/Scores in their respective categories. Although that does seem like its just spliting the Times category into 3 different categories, thus adding onto the possible sitewide value of '06 itself. These are just some ideas i'm throwing out there. If it's decided to split Town Missions from Times into Extra, i'll put up a list like the one above to save GS the time and effort.
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2010, 12:12:13 pm »
Okay. Its been 4 months. I have not seen any work on this except the board games board, which is currently hidden from my view mind you. Chaos  and Triple Trouble maps have not been put on the site. 06 re-organisation has not even gotten any attention other than my previous post. The Olympics Charts, in my opinion, have appeared to have been scrapped, and i haven't heard any work on the DS ASR charts, although i don't really know if they were considered in the first place. Explanation of certain obsoleted charts is a good idea; Do it. TLC has had no action, as Thorn said in the initial post, and needs to be removed along with TUSC (even though i'm not necassarily for or against removing either of them). The other two points left from the first post have also not been changed.

Another few things:

- Recalculation and obsoletion of appropriate charts. SU360 has been like that for ages. It really needs to be fixed. This has been adressed.
- Obsoletion of obsolete videos. Topic already in place:
- Removal of Spam Bot accounts on the forum
- Register page to be a bit more difficult to stop spammers, but also perhaps to have the potential members agree to an agreement that gives admins and moderators rights and proper regulations for users to follow on the forum and competition site. (not to replace the constitution OR competition rules. it is meant to be formal and proper agreement terms and conditions)
- Proper clean up of charts with entirely suspended users. They shouldn't be on the charts if they haven't got a submission. This is how it is for everyone else (since you don't see 800+ people on a game's overall chart).

These are just but a few things.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 08:06:34 pm by Luxray »
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2010, 02:40:54 pm »
Okay I can't stand no-one talking here so I am double posting. This is one thing that should be sorted out and ready to be fixed.

Needs to be Done
  • Sonic '06 stats need to be re-organized: This is low-priority due to general dislike of the game causing very little competition, but it's an issue nevertheless. Individual boss charts need to be moved to the Bosses division, and Boss Attack, Very Hard, and Team Attack Amigo charts need to be moved to a separate game. This can only be done by GerbilSoft, and he has other things to be worrying about.

So the obvious one is that there should be a Bosses category (c6) for this game. Here are the following stats that obviously can be put in there.
  • Egg-Cerberus - Sonic (class id: 2965)
  • Egg Cerberus - Shadow (class id: 2970)
  • Egg-Genesis - Sonic (class id: 2966)
  • Egg Genesis - Silver (class id: 2975)
  • Egg-Wyvern - Sonic (class id: 2967)
  • Silver the Hedgehog - Sonic (class id: 2968)
  • Silver the Hedgehog - Shadow (class id: 2971)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog - Silver (class id: 2976)
  • Shadow the Hedgehog - Silver (class id: 2977)
  • Iblis Phase 1 - Silver (class id: 2978)
  • Iblis Phase 2 - Sonic (class id: 2969)
  • Iblis Phase 2 - Shadow (class id: 2972)
  • Iblis Phase 3 - Silver (class id: 2979)
  • Mephiles Phase 1 - Shadow (class id: 2973)
  • Mephiles Phase 2 - Shadow (class id: 2974)
  • Solaris - Extra (class id: 2980)
  • Boss Attack - Sonic (class id: 5026)
  • Boss Attack - Shadow (class id: 5027)
  • Boss Attack - Silver (class id: 5028)

I think putting these in their own category is a no brainer. Total (Total), Total (Sonic), Total (Shadow) and Total (Silver) should also be created/added if there is to be a seperate category for these times. However i'm not entirely sure what to do with The Town Missions (Times/Scores/Rings) and The rest of the Boss stats (Rings/Scores). Town Mission times could be put into their own "Extra" category, and still leaving Rings/Scores in their respective categories. Although that does seem like its just spliting the Times category into 3 different categories, thus adding onto the possible sitewide value of '06 itself. These are just some ideas i'm throwing out there. If it's decided to split Town Missions from Times into Extra, i'll put up a list like the one above to save GS the time and effort.

You do realize that Boss Attack is DLC right?
I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

Zero Point Championships held:  Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Battle, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

I like my speed runs like my steaks...UNFINISHED!!!

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2010, 02:45:50 pm »
^ I also realise Some of the Very Hard charts are DLC too. But what can i do about that? I'm not a moderator nor consistant player of '06. I've only given that as a suggestion to go by.
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2010, 02:51:57 pm »
^ I also realise Some of the Very Hard charts are DLC too. But what can i do about that? I'm not a moderator nor consistant player of '06. I've only given that as a suggestion to go by.

All of the Very Hard charts are DLC, but yeah, a mod needs to get on that.  Maybe I'll actually go back to Sonic 06 if that happens.
I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

Zero Point Championships held:  Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Battle, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

I like my speed runs like my steaks...UNFINISHED!!!

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2010, 02:54:54 pm »
^Well the best way to get a mod to do something is to do the work for them and have tham only implement it. Propose how the 06 charts should be organised
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2010, 03:07:00 pm »
Boss division

Egg-Cerberus - Sonic (class id: 2965)
Egg Cerberus - Shadow (class id: 2970)
Egg-Genesis - Sonic (class id: 2966)
Egg Genesis - Silver (class id: 2975)
Egg-Wyvern - Sonic (class id: 2967)
Silver the Hedgehog - Sonic (class id: 2968)
Silver the Hedgehog - Shadow (class id: 2971)
Sonic the Hedgehog - Silver (class id: 2976)
Shadow the Hedgehog - Silver (class id: 2977)
Iblis Phase 1 - Silver (class id: 2978)
Iblis Phase 2 - Sonic (class id: 2969)
Iblis Phase 2 - Shadow (class id: 2972)
Iblis Phase 3 - Silver (class id: 2979)
Mephiles Phase 1 - Shadow (class id: 2973)
Mephiles Phase 2 - Shadow (class id: 2974)
Solaris - Extra (class id: 2980)

(mmmm copy pasta)

All very hard missions, boss attacks, and team attack amigo are to be placed in a separate game, similar to that of Sonic Unleashed DLC. 8)
I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

Zero Point Championships held:  Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Battle, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

I like my speed runs like my steaks...UNFINISHED!!!

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2010, 10:08:59 am »
^ I am not really for creating a new game for DLC isn't a whole new game. But otherwise, that chart looks ample enough. What else would you say to having an extras category for all the missions charts to go in? And is anyone else going to respond with any of their comments/opinions/input?
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2010, 09:30:29 pm »
I am pro separation into a new game, because I don't want to spend more money, but I still want to (halfway) compete... I'd also like to see my total time drop as I get better, like I do in other games, instead of having it invalid because I haven't played the extra game

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Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2010, 09:37:18 pm »
Well ultimately i can't contribute to that decision because i don't have DLC! Is there any news on Olympics charts either? I've almost abandoned all hope of them going up :/
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2010, 10:02:11 pm »
^ I am not really for creating a new game for DLC isn't a whole new game. But otherwise, that chart looks ample enough. What else would you say to having an extras category for all the missions charts to go in? And is anyone else going to respond with any of their comments/opinions/input?

No no no no no no no...If Sonic Unleashed got separated because of DLC, then there is -no- reason for the same thing not to happen to Sonic the Hedgehog.  I want consistency people, one of those games has to change up, whether it be Sonic the Hedgehog DLC becoming a separate game, or Sonic Unleashed DLC being integrated into the actual game.  If I recall correctly, I opted for DLC to be put in a freestyle category, but instead it was made into a separate game (Sonic Unleashed DLC).
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Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2010, 10:25:26 pm »
The problem with splitting charts is Time Machine. If we split DLC into its own game, Time Machine won't reflect that change properly, and it'll show that it was always its own game.

I'd have to figure out a way to fix that.

Offline Luxray

Re: Site happenings, or lack thereof
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2010, 03:24:11 am »
^It always was one game. One very, very crap game.

But really does the time machine affect what we can do now?
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome


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